We guide manufacturers and end-users of industrial products to comply with safety, reliability, and cyber security standards.

Mission & Vision

Our vision is to ensure the continued professional growth and well-being of people.

We are H-ON, a TÜV Rheinland Company, that comes from the acronym of Helmet ON. This saying fully represents our vision, as safety in the industrial environment deserves the highest priority.

Safety and Cyber Security of production assets and protection of operators are key to the evolution of business for large manufacturers and end-users, and we are dedicated to supporting them in realizing their projects.

Safety is a culture that we want to help spread within organizations. It is an essential human value which can only be ensured through the prevention of risks.

We work in
We work in 50 different countries
different countries We manage over
We work in 50 different countries
projects per year We grow every year by
We work in 50 different countries

Our History

Our history began in Prato from the shared idea of four founders and a range of specialized consulting services for product compliance according to the main national and international legal standards.

Specificity and Operation

We have always tried to meet the needs of the entire industrial supply chain by introducing consulting solutions with a high specialization right from the negotiation phase.

Innovation and Knowledge

The attention of automation was captured by Industrial Cyber Security, and IEC 62443 standard.
Digitization was going to increasingly take up more space, and with it came new risks related to the proper operation of networked equipment.
We understood that there is no safety without security: therefore, we developed services aimed at manufacturers and users for even more comprehensive protection of their infrastructure.

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Our History

Our history began in Prato from the shared idea of four founders and a range of specialized consulting services for product compliance according to the main national and international legal standards.

Specificity and Operation

We have always tried to meet the needs of the entire industrial supply chain by introducing consulting solutions with a high specialization right from the negotiation phase.

Innovation and Knowledge

The attention of automation was captured by Industrial Cyber Security, and IEC 62443 standard.
Digitization was going to increasingly take up more space, and with it came new risks related to the proper operation of networked equipment.
We understood that there is no safety without security: therefore, we developed services aimed at manufacturers and users for even more comprehensive protection of their infrastructure.

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Who we are today

Today we are a TÜV Rheinland Company operating in more than 10 sectors, including Oil & Gas, steel, paper, energy, automotive, with consulting projects developing steadily over the years.

We collaborate with manufacturers and end users belonging to large corporations and established entities on the national and international scene. We share the same philosophy of doing business with our customers: always maintaining belief in the value of safety, the development of skills and the evolution of business.
Our independent internal division BYHON is an ANSI and ISASecure® accredited certification body to issue IEC 61508 and IEC 62443 certifications.
Our organization consists of more than 40 technical specialists, in addition to sales, administrative and human resources personnel, all of whom share a set of values and skills that enable the entire group to achieve goals in a cohesive and structured manner.
Our company invests in corporate welfare and research and development to always ensure the highest professional well-being of our people and the highest quality for our customers.

Industrial Cyber Security

OT Cyber Security services for manufacturers of components, machineries, system integrators and end users in accordance with the IEC 62443 standard and ISASecure ® certification scheme.

Machine Safety

Machinery Conformity Restoring services for end users in order to implement methods and solutions for the compliance of equipment installed at plants and ensure the safety of the operators.

Functional Safety

Services for manufacturers of components to implement methods and solutions for the reliability of products designed for safety-related applications according to functional safety standards.

Process Safety

Services for manufacturers of machineries and systems, and end users to implement methods and solutions for the reliability of products with the aim of preventing risks in the process industry.

Compliance Management

Standard Compliance services for manufacturers of machineries and plants to implement methods and solutions for the compliance Worldwide and guarantee the utmost quality of industrial products.

What we wish for the future

We wish for change, we wish for more knowledge of safety and security issues, and we want to actively contribute to them.

We will never stop staying on top of the latest technical regulations to spread greater awareness of and guide the transformation of those companies who believe in the value of safety.
We work with the goal of always continuing to be established partners of our customers for the success of their projects, which also enrich our experience.

H-ON: Vision of Future

Our Values

The ethics in which we believe dictate our behavior toward those with whom we interact for the achievement of common goals related to the continued professional growth and well-being of people.

We share with TÜV Rheinland Group a set of principles that guide us day by day. Therefore, we have prepared a Ethics Code and Safety and Quality Policies addressed to each of our internal and external stakeholders.


We are incorruptible and act with impartiality. We live by our values on a foundation of trust in people, suppliers, customers and competitors. We are committed to act with consistency between what we implement internally to protect our people and the safety and security observance we encourage among our customers.


We achieve excellence in all our processes, and, at the same time, we act with modesty for how and with whom we work. We encourage solidarity with people in times of personal difficulties, and believe in the respect of people, suppliers, customers, and competitors.

Customer orientation

The needs of our customers come first. We support our customers in realizing their projects with the regular introduction of new operational solutions. To us, safety in the industrial environment deserves the highest priority.


We are performance oriented and accept the responsibility of our behaviors. We observe diligence principles in the execution of tasks and contracts, which are to be carried out as consciously agreed upon by the parties and the standards. We believe in knowledge as the key to achieve the goals of our whole group.


We are smart, flexible, and always responsive in a changing world. We support the evolution of industry for a better tomorrow and we act with honesty in dealing with people, suppliers, customers and competitors. Feedbacks are the most precious resource for our continuous professional growth and on the behalf of the society in which we live and work.

Ethics Code & Policy

We observe a system of moral rules and duties for the betterment of ourselves as individuals and as a group.

We act according to a value system that rests on a number of fundamental pillars related to health, safety and quality. The engine that leads us toward achieving our goals is powered by:

  • The well-being of people within the organization
  • The development of technical skills in new areas
  • The esteem of customers and competitors
  • Supplier satisfaction
  • The creation of valuable partnerships

People and Skills

Our company is founded on people, their individualities and the way they work as a team. We believe that people’s well-being is essential to professional success, ensuring:

  • A serene environment within which to work
  • A outlook towards personal growth
  • The right economic recognition
  • A long-term working perspective
  • The company’s solidarity and understanding in times of personal difficulties
  • Recognition of the value of one’s work
  • A healthy work-life balance

We are committed to continuous improvement every day by engaging all staff, listening to ideas and investing in human resource development to benefit our customers. Personnel selection is carried out on the basis of matching the candidates’ profiles with those expected and the needs of the company, with full respect for equal opportunities. It is essential to ensure the engagement of staff in the carrying out of the work, including providing times for participation in discussions and decisions for the creation of our customers’ projects and the development of specific technical skills and services. It is essential to transparently share the medium- to long-term strategy within the company so that each of our employees can contribute to the achievement of the company’s goals.


We believe that it is essential to establish one’s own success while fully respecting customers. Customers are our partners in achieving business goals, with a view to professional growth for both parties. To enhance the value of our customers’ products, it is essential to work by pursuing common goals.


Suppliers, from all commodity categories, are vital resources for us. Therefore, we strive to establish a loyal relationship that leads to mutual benefits. Suppliers are not outsiders from whom we try to get the best price, but resources with whom we seek to grow by striving for excellence and mutual recognition.


Our consultancy has the specific goal of providing operational solutions, the most suitable and technically relevant ones according to the specific needs of our customers. We always position ourselves as an advisor above the parties.
Our task is to ensure total impartiality and transparency in suggesting the most suitable tools, including the best ones on the national and international scene, on a case by case basis, without any goal of selling particular products, but only those geared to the satisfaction of our customers’ needs.
Thus, our partnerships are made to stay up-to-date with the latest products and technologies, so that we can always propose the most suitable solution and ensure the complete resolution of every safety and security need.
For this, we are the Digital Transition Partner of Siemens Italy, member of important associations such as Digital Industries World, ANIPLA and ISAGCA (ISA Global Cybersecurity Alliance) and have active collaborations with certification bodies and technology providers.

Our feedback culture

We have made communication and feedback a true manifesto. This is because communication is a fundamental tool for us to offer information on behaviors and results: giving and receiving feedback helps us to strengthen useful and effective behaviors and reduce ineffective ones.
Our internal feedback culture has brought about:

  • The company promotes feedback as a growth tool aimed at identifying strong areas and areas for improvement
  • We are committed to offering our feedback when necessary, in protected areas and at the appropriate times, not only during performance evaluations
  • We promote positive feedback
  • We are open to receiving and asking for feedback from all those who can help us on our growth journey
  • Feedback is welcome at all levels
  • We give and receive feedback in person, at the appropriate times and in places where it is easy to effectively listen to each other

In addition, thanks to regular staff satisfaction surveys, we listen to ideas about corrective actions we can take to continuously improve our organizational well-being.
Feedback from our clients enriches the experience.
Our client’s opinion is invaluable in terms of continuous improvement, which is why we constantly collect feedback on the work of each of our departments. At the end of each technical project we regularly provide questionnaires for the evaluation of our work, with particular attention to the sales phase during our events.

Safety Policy

For us, occupational health and safety is not only a commitment to our employees but a culture ingrained in the way we do things which we also try to transmit to our customers and suppliers.

Our work is aimed at the protection of people’s health and safety, and our commitment, including to our employees, cannot be different from what we put into our work.

Our Commitment

Our commitment starts with the assessment of all risks to which our employees may be exposed, whether these are those potentially present in our offices, or those at our customers’ premises during inspections or related to any use of company vehicles. Our Safety Policy is based on the following principles:

  • Compliance with legislation and agreements which are applicable to occupational safety and health using the best available practices
  • Occupational safety and health and the prevention of occupational injuries or illnesses are an integral part of business management
  • Responsibility in the management of safety and health and the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses in the workplace concerns the entire business organization, each according to his or her duties and responsibilities
  • The entire corporate structure is committed to continuous improvement and the prevention of occupational health and safety risks
Therefore, we commit ourselves to:
  • Providing the resources and tools necessary to protect the health and safety of all employees
  • Defining and disseminating occupational safety and health goals and related programs within the company
  • Involving and consulting employees in work organization to avoid stressors that could affect performance
  • Periodically reviewing the policy itself and the management system in place

Quality policy and Information quality management system

We have chosen to adopt a Quality Management System in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 as a tool for performance improvement, process control, increasing customer satisfaction and ensuring compliance with requirements, including those of a legislative nature.

Our company policy has always been oriented toward the satisfaction of our customers. This means conveying:

  • The passion of our employees
  • Punctuality in our commitments
  • A work ethic that focuses people’s well-being
  • The ability to adapt to change
  • Humility towards our competitors, customers and suppliers

Responsibility and Commitment

We commit ourselves to:

  • Differentiating ourselves through the specificity of the services we develop
  • Meeting customer needs through constant attention to the business environment
  • Achieving the full satisfaction of employees by valuing the person and creating discourse between the various departments
  • Maintaining and continuously improving the Quality Management System
  • Developing functional partnerships

We put all of our energy into:

  • Increasing the efficiency of processes through the constant monitoring of performance
  • Ensuring a high standard of skills
  • Being flexible and attentive to market dynamics and innovations
  • Valuing employees through the enhancement of their skills and improving internal potential through engagement, motivation and awareness
  • Demanding the highest level of quality from those performing the work, regardless of position
  • Maintaining a work environment that is stimulating and conducive to teamwork
  • Managing business activities in a manner consistent with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 by seeking the continuous improvement of all processes
  • Establishing and keeping a strategic plan up-to-date with defined and achievable goals
  • Varying the business by promoting research and development activities, including the development of partnerships with customers and suppliers
  • Ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability of information

Information Quality Management System according to ISO 27001

The primary objective is the protection of the data and information of the interested parties, of the technological, physical, logical and organizational structure, responsible for their management. We have chosen a personal data management system that complies with the mandatory regulations and is integrated into the various company processes, which allows us to identify the responsibilities of each individual collaborator regarding the protection of personal data so that everyone feels involved and understands their role, as well as to integrate the protection of personal data within the processes related to the security of information systems.
We are ISO 27001 certified and committed to implementing and maintaining a secure Information Security Management System (ISMS) to ensure:

  • Confidentiality, information accessible only to duly authorized subjects and/or processes
  • Integrity, safeguarding the consistency of information from unauthorized changes
  • Availability, ease of access to necessary information
  • Control, ensuring that data management processes and tools are secure and tested
  • Authenticity, reliable source of information
  • Privacy, guarantee of protection and control of personal data
  • Compliance with mandatory and voluntary legislation relating to information security
  • Compliance with customer requests
  • Definition of corporate roles and responsibilities for the development and maintenance of the ISMS
  • Ensure that the ISMS is integrated into all business processes and that procedures and controls are developed and maintained efficiently
  • Monitoring threat exposure for information security
  • Activation of programs to spread awareness and information security culture
  • Guaranteeing the continuous growth of the service level by monitoring objectives and indicators related to information security
  • Continuous improvement of the performance of the information security management system

Organization with Information Quality Management System certified by Dasa-Rägister S.p.A. according to UNI EN ISO 27001.

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Responsibility towards corporate offences

With the aim of guaranteeing maximum corporate compliance, we comply with:

  • Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, n. 231 “Administrative Responsibility of Companies”. MOGC
  • Whistleblowing legislation pursuant to Law 30 November 2017, n. 179, relating to practices for reporting violations of laws or regulations, crimes and cases of corruption or fraud, situations of danger to public health and safety.

General responsibilities

Our Management therefore assumes the responsibility of disseminating and supporting, with the right resources and means, each of our Policies, clarifying and assigning to each collaborator specific responsibilities for its implementation in order to ensure the availability of the information and resources necessary to achieve the objectives and related goals.
All company personnel are made aware of the decisions taken and the objectives identified with respect to the various management systems applied and are required to follow the requirements and comply, without any exception, with the procedures provided for and to constantly reference the principles expressed in this declaration.
The Management carries out annual reviews in order to verify the achievement of the objectives and targets established through process indicators, internal audits and by planning improvement actions.